Brief Resume Summary
*부산대성N스쿨 (前)
- 영어 강사
*University of Central Oklahoma (Exchange Student & OPT)
- Major : International Business
- J-1 Academic Training Program(OPT) : Business Administrative assistant
Dear readers,
I worked at private academy school teaching students English aged 9-18 years old. Now, I’m in New York taking the OPT sponsored by University of Central Oklahoma.
I hope that I can apply my theoretical knowledge to a practical works. Have a wonderful day or evening.
국내에서 영어영문학 및 국제무역물류학을 복수전공으로 수료하였고, 부산 대성학원에서 영어강사로 초,중,고를 담당하였습니다. 미국 오클라호마 주립대학교에서 International B...